Olympia Marijuana DUI Lawyers

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Criminal defense attorneys serving Olympia, WA.

While it is now legal to possess up to an ounce of marijuana in Washington, it is not legal to drive while under its influence. In fact, this is a serious crime in Olympia, WA with ramifications that could prove devastating on your life and the lives of those you care about. If you’ve been arrested for a pot DUI, call for a free consultation: (360) 350-4765

Thurston County pot DUI defense and understanding the new pot laws in Washington State.

While the new laws are complex, our Olympia marijuana DUI lawyers have an in-depth understanding of how they are written, and urge all for their clients to take them just as seriously as they would a regular, alcohol related DUI.

If convicted of a pot DUI in Washington, there will mandatory penalties imposed that include up to $5,000 in fines, 364 days in jail, and a 90 day suspension of driving privileges. If you are caught driving in Olympia with at least .05 nanograms of THC in your bloodstream you can be arrested for a pot DUI. One of the first orders of business for our Olympia marijuana attorneys in these cases is to minimize the adverse repercussions of a conviction by whatever legal means is available.

Arrested for a pot DUI or drunk driving in Washington State?

Often these cases start when a person is pulled over by an Olympia police officer who suspects the driver is under the influence of pot. In some situations, the officer will call for assistance from a drug recognition expert who will try and figure out if the driver has been consuming marijuana.

Understanding the details of your arrest is important to our Olympia marijuana DUI attorneys because these so-called “experts” are making their determination based on their own discretion. It is common for our Olympia marijuana DUI lawyers to seek multiple avenues of defense on behalf of their clients by scouring the police reports and other pieces of evidence.

Confusion over the new marijuana is commonplace, so you are not alone if you’re trying to figure them out. Our Olympia pot lawyers have taken the time to extensively research these laws, and can help you get a better understanding of your marijuana DUI charges. A drug related DUI is very similar to a driving under the influence of alcohol charge, and our criminal defense attorneys serving Olympia, WA have decades of collective experience handling these complex cases.

Call for your FREE initial consultation – our Olympia Marijuana DUI Lawyers provide low fees and affordable payment plans.

By contacting us today you can take advantage of a free initial consultation with one of our Olympia marijuana attorneys. You won’t be required to make any kind of commitment, financial or otherwise, but you can get answers about your pot DUI that are based on the law. If you decide that you would like to be represented by one of our qualified Olympia marijuana DUI lawyers they will do everything legally possible to have your charges dismissed or reduced.

If you have already been convicted of a DUI in Washington State, you should contact one of our Olympia marijuana attorneys quickly. The DUI penalties you face could be devastating, and our Olympia pot lawyers will need every available minute to develop a defense designed to reduce those punishments in whatever way possible.

Contact the criminal defense attorneys serving Olympia, WA from our law office today and let one of our qualified professionals help you fight your marijuana DUI charge.

Affordable Thurston County pot DUI defense. Arrested for a pot DUI? Call for a free initial consultation from our Olympia, WA drug DUI attorneys today.

(360) 350-4765