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Charged or arrested for a DUI?
Criminal defense Attorney, JAson S. Newcombe

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Seattle DUI Lawyer, Jason S. Newcombe

Olympia DUI Lawyers

Criminal Defense Attorney., Jason S. Newcombe

Put our decades of DUI defense experience to work for you!

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Olympia Drunk Driving Attorney,

Jason S. Newcombe

FREE case consultation – call today.

(360) 350-4765

You’ve been arrested and charged with a DUI in Olympia – What’s next? This can be one of the most difficult questions you will ever have to answer because dealing with a Washington drunk driving arrest can be debilitating and life-altering. Get the help and answers you need quickly by reaching out to the criminal defense attorneys serving Olympia, WA from our law firm today. We provide low fees as well as affordable payment plans flexible for just about anyone’s budget.

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Criminal defense attorneys serving Olympia, WA.

When you were pulled over and made to do a bunch of roadside calisthenics it was bad. When you were handcuffed, fingerprinted, and processed by the state it got worse. Now you are feeling the devastating emotional strain that an Olympia DUI can cause, and are wondering how the whole ordeal is going to pan out.

Obviously, this is a humiliating experience you’re enduring, and not just because of what you’ve already been through, but what is still to come. An Olympia DUI arrest means you will have to appear in Washington court and at an administrative hearing with the department of licensing. You might feel like you are caught between two separate urges – isolate yourself from the rest of world, or stand up and fight back so your side of the story can be told.

The latter is the better choice, because ignoring your Olympia DUI is not going to make it go away. Still, coming face-to-face with the unrelenting legal machinery of the state can be daunting, so it’s vital that you talk to qualified Olympia DUI lawyers as soon as you can. In this arena your rights must be protected. Our dedicated team of criminal defense attorneys serving Olympia, WA have decades of collective experience handling tough WA drunk driving cases for the good people residing in our state’s capital.

While it may be difficult to do, now is not a good time to let your emotions immobilize you, or get down on yourself for your actions. You should do everything you can to minimize the DUI penalties that you’re facing, because you are NOT a criminal. The reality is that if you are convicted of an Olympia drunk driving crime your punishments could have a devastating, and long-time affect on you and your family. Right now, you need someone to deal with the court on your behalf, and that is the primary role of our Olympia DUI lawyers.

A tough Thurston County drunk driving defense to combat your DUI penalties.

Are you curious about the DUI penalties you could be facing? Washington has some of the most severe DUI penalties in the U.S., so the importance of your situation cannot be underestimated. A DUI conviction in Olympia will incur a series of mandatory Washington DUI penalties that will include fines, jail time, and the loss of your driving privileges. That is only for a first conviction – subsequent convictions will lead to punishments even more severe.

If convicted of a DUI in Washington, you will have no choice but to pay fine up to $5,000, serve up to 364 days in jail, and lose your driver’s license for 90 days. This is why you should talk to one of our criminal defense attorneys serving Olympia, WA, who will ensure that you are being treated fairly according to WA drunk driving law. Best of all, Our Olympia DUI lawyers enter into every drunk driving case with the belief that the charges can be attacked in some way, even though much depends on the police reports and other various factors.

While these DUI penalties can have a detrimental effect on a person’s life, they are nothing in comparison to the unseen damages – things like household stress, overwhelming financial burden, or even losing one’s job. Our Olympia DUI attorneys are sympathetic to these issues, and we vow to stand by your side throughout this difficult time in your life.

Olympia DUI attorneys helping you take the first step with our low fees and affordable payment plans.

Building a defense to your Olympia DUI charges is the first logical step toward resolving your case, and we help you take this critical proactive step with our low fees and affordable payment plans. A defense is more than just a story about what happened, it is based upon the law and framed through that medium. The Washington Court is only interested in facts, so to prevent getting run over by the prosecutor you must have all of your facts in order. Getting a head start on gathering these facts is essential, and our Olympia DUI attorneys know how to assemble them into a legally based Thurston County drunk driving defense.

Gathering evidence is one way to start looking into the facts. When you were arrested, the police filed reports about the events that unfolded. We investigate these DUI reports for factual errors that could be used in your defense. Officers routinely use machines that evaluate a person’s blood alcohol level. If these machines aren’t kept in working order according to the law, and the records back that up, then our Olympia DUI lawyers could use this information to have your case dismissed.

Any evidence that is gathered can be used at your Washington DOL Hearing (Department of Licensing hearing), and in your criminal proceedings with the court. In the meantime, we continue to negotiate with the prosecutor to work out an agreement you could find amenable in your DUI case.

All of this fact gathering to build a tough Thurston County drunk driving defense takes time. With only 7 days to request a department of licensing hearing, every minute saved could make the difference. Contact one of our criminal defense attorneys serving Olympia, WA today so that we can collect evidence, and use the facts, to defend your interests.

Municipal court criminal defense attorneys serving all of Thurston County.

Our Olympia DUI criminal defense lawyers have experience with drunk driving issues in every Thurston County municipal court. Listed below are a handful of some municipal court links that may prove useful to you should you feel motivated to look up the details surrounding your DUI case yourself:

While our legal team serves all of the greater western Washington area, here are just a few cities in Thurston County that our municipal court dui attorneys handle drunk driving related cases in:

Why taking action immediately is beneficial.

It’s easy to let the pressure of dealing with a DUI charge cause you to block yourself off from the rest of the world. This goes contrary to what is best, though, because our Olympia DUI lawyers need time to build a defense if there is going to be any chance of success. You will also discover that taking positive actions toward resolving your DUI case will cause you to start feeling better about your future.

Once the shock of the whole situation starts to subside, most people are very surprised to find out that the whole process moves along very swiftly. A dismissal might not be possible in your situation, but when our Olympia DUI attorneys handle your drunk driving case they remove the burden from off of your shoulders.

While it is tempting to consider defending yourself against your Olympia DUI charges, this is usually a losing strategy. If you aren’t well versed in Washington State DUI laws, or have little experience in court, the prosecutor will likely steamroll you en route to another notch on their case record.

The prosecutor’s job is to deal with criminal DUI cases every day – they know the law and they will seek to punish you to the fullest extent that it will allow. They will not care about your version of the events, and they will not even blink an eye if you have a valid argument. In almost every DUI case they treat the arresting officer’s report as the final word on the subject.

Our affordable Olympia drunk driving lawyers can help protect your rights if you are fighting charges such as these:

  • Olympia DWI/DUI
  • Reckless driving violations
  • Physical control
  • Minor DUI
  • Negligent driving charges
  • Racing charges
  • Olympia Marijuana DUI

Protecting your rights against these gears and cogs of the legal process is the job our Olympia DUI lawyers. Acting as a barrier between you, the state, and the prosecutor, they make sure that ALL of the facts are revealed to the court, ensuring that both sides of the story get heard.

What our Thurston County DUI attorneys bring to the table.

There is no shortage of DUI lawyers in the Olympia area. Choosing one with whom you can establish a rapport, and who gives you the best chance of success, is an important decision that you must make. Your legal professional should be compassionately aware of how important your DUI case is to you and your Olympia family, and they should do everything legally possible to minimize your drunk driving penalties.

Our Olympia DUI lawyers work as a team, and their reputation was built through a steadfast approach to the law and dedication to its principles. Justice is for everyone, and no DUI case or client is too small to warrant the very best we have to offer. We vow to treat you with the courtesy and respect you deserve, while ensuring that your legal rights are always protected.

It took decades of combined experience handling sensitive Olympia DUI cases to bring us to where we are today. Being arrested for a Washington DUI happens to honest, hard-working Olympia residents every single day. Our job is to aggressively defend you against DUI charges – NOT to act as a judge in any way.

FREE initial consultation with one of our Olympia drunk driving attorneys – call today!

If you’re still reading, then you obviously are carefully considering whether you should fight your Olympia DUI charge. You can talk to one of our legal professionals today, at no cost to you, via a free case evaluation. We will answer any questions you have about your DUI, and we will evaluate the information you give us to offer you some guidance based on the law. There will be no pressure from us to make any decisions – we will just present you with facts.

If you feel that one of our DUI attorneys is right for you, then we will get to work right away on preparing a quality Thurston County drunk driving defense on your behalf. Our Olympia lawyers will aggressively fight to keep you out of jail and validly licensed. Contact us today and make the decision to fight back. Be sure to ask about the low fees and affordable payment plans that our firm can offer you.

Affordable Olympia, WA DUI defense. Get help and answers from our Olympia, WA DUI lawyers serving Thurston County today.

(360) 350-4765

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